Post by Omen on Aug 25, 2016 15:45:42 GMT
The wolves here on the island have been exposed to radioactive contamination, because of such some are susceptible to certain mutations. These mutations are passed down from generation to generation, but can get better for each generation if they keep mating wth healthy canines or worse if they mate with other mutations. Puppies don't start showing signs of their mutation, genetic or otherwise until they hit 12 months (one year). Each mutation has three (3) stages, one (1) being mild and three (3) being the worst. It doesn't matter which stage you put your wolf at, but eventually, they have to hit stage three (3), how quickly or how long that takes is up to you.
How many mutations can my character have?
Your character can have one (1) stage mutation and one (1) non-staged mutation.
I don't want a stage mutation, can I have two non-staged mutations?
Yes, that's fine.
I don't want a non-staged mutation, can I have two staged mutations?
Yes, you can, as long as one (1) mutation is physical and the other is mental.
The mutation I want is lethal, but I don't want my character to die. Can I make it nonlethal?
No, you can not make a lethal mutation nonlethal. If you wish for your character to die of natural causes than you're going to need to pick a different mutation or choose to do no mutation at all.
Can I make my own mutation for my character?
No, but you're welcome to come up with mutation ideas and send them to a staff member.
I wish to change mutations. Can I do that?
If you've already rped that character with that Mutation, than no. If you've just created that character and haven't rped with them yet, than that's fine.
How many mutations can my character have?
Your character can have one (1) stage mutation and one (1) non-staged mutation.
I don't want a stage mutation, can I have two non-staged mutations?
Yes, that's fine.
I don't want a non-staged mutation, can I have two staged mutations?
Yes, you can, as long as one (1) mutation is physical and the other is mental.
The mutation I want is lethal, but I don't want my character to die. Can I make it nonlethal?
No, you can not make a lethal mutation nonlethal. If you wish for your character to die of natural causes than you're going to need to pick a different mutation or choose to do no mutation at all.
Can I make my own mutation for my character?
No, but you're welcome to come up with mutation ideas and send them to a staff member.
I wish to change mutations. Can I do that?
If you've already rped that character with that Mutation, than no. If you've just created that character and haven't rped with them yet, than that's fine.
Staged Mutations:
Excessive Hair:
Staged // Nonlethal // Slightly hindering
Staged // Nonlethal // Slightly hindering
Stage I: Mild growth of hair around the body. You'll become a little more susceptible to overheating. Extra grooming may be needed.
Stage II: Moderate hair growth around the body. The hair becomes denser and longer mostly in the mane and tail. Overheating is common but manageable. Matting/tangling of the fur is a high risk, extra grooming will be needed.
Stage III: Heavy hair growth around the body. It becomes very dense and the hair will or almost will drag the ground. Overheating is common and can become severe. Matting/tangling of the fur is a high risk, another wolf will most likely have to help in the grooming process.
Stage II: Moderate hair growth around the body. The hair becomes denser and longer mostly in the mane and tail. Overheating is common but manageable. Matting/tangling of the fur is a high risk, extra grooming will be needed.
Stage III: Heavy hair growth around the body. It becomes very dense and the hair will or almost will drag the ground. Overheating is common and can become severe. Matting/tangling of the fur is a high risk, another wolf will most likely have to help in the grooming process.
Additional Appendages:
Staged // Nonlethal // Hindering
Stage I: This starts out in the tail. Can create the wolf to have up to three (3) tails. Extra tails can throw the wolf off balance, growing use to the extra tails will come with time.
Stage II: Extra legs start growing. Can create up to six (6) legs. Some of the legs are prone to not function properly and can hinder the wolf in they're running/hunting abilities.
Stage III: Extra eyes and ears appear around the face. For the first few months, the wolfs sight and hearing are amplified, helping and hindering them at the same time. In time they're hearing will fade and turn them blind.
Stage II: Extra legs start growing. Can create up to six (6) legs. Some of the legs are prone to not function properly and can hinder the wolf in they're running/hunting abilities.
Stage III: Extra eyes and ears appear around the face. For the first few months, the wolfs sight and hearing are amplified, helping and hindering them at the same time. In time they're hearing will fade and turn them blind.
Staged // Can be lethal // Slightly hindering
Stage I: Manageable voices in their head. Mumbling to themselves and seeing unnecessary shadows is common. Distraction and daydreaming seems to happen more often than not. Nightmares are mild and sometimes not fully remembered.
Stage II: Voices become louder and commanding. Unnecessary shadows start to take figure forms. Mumbling turns into conversations and random outbursts of aggression can and will occur. Prone to unintentional self-harm. Nightmares are more vivid and are mostly remembered.
StageIII: Voices are now crystal clear and don't silence. Unnecessary shadows turn into forms of the wolf's worst fear. Conversations with oneself become louder and troubled. Aggression almost becomes unmanageable and freighting. Self-harm becomes more intentional, along with the crippling paranoia. Nightmares are like HD and are fully remembered. In severe cases, the wolf will either kill themselves or someone else.
Stage II: Voices become louder and commanding. Unnecessary shadows start to take figure forms. Mumbling turns into conversations and random outbursts of aggression can and will occur. Prone to unintentional self-harm. Nightmares are more vivid and are mostly remembered.
StageIII: Voices are now crystal clear and don't silence. Unnecessary shadows turn into forms of the wolf's worst fear. Conversations with oneself become louder and troubled. Aggression almost becomes unmanageable and freighting. Self-harm becomes more intentional, along with the crippling paranoia. Nightmares are like HD and are fully remembered. In severe cases, the wolf will either kill themselves or someone else.
Nonstaged Mutations:
Eye colors:
Nonstaged // Nonlethal // Non hindering/Hindering
Nonstaged // Nonlethal // Non hindering/Hindering
Galaxy Eyes;;
Eyes look to have stars up close.
Colors vary but are typically dark with bright 'stars'.
Eyes look to have stars up close.
Colors vary but are typically dark with bright 'stars'.
Unnatrually bright eyes.
Colors vary but are typically bright colors.
Can appear to be glowing.
Sclera (Black);;
Vision is still intact.
One or both eyes are pure black (the whole eye).
Colored Sclera (Not black);;
Vision is blurred and will disappear over time.
One or both eyes are pure color (the whole eye).
Colors vary. Red, green, yellow, purple, and blue are your most common colors.
Glowing lights;;
Eyes glow in the dark, amplifying your night vision.
Makes you easier to spot.
Eyes will bleed randomly, along with slowly dying vision.
All colors are common.
Colors vary but are typically bright colors.
Can appear to be glowing.
Sclera (Black);;
Vision is still intact.
One or both eyes are pure black (the whole eye).
Colored Sclera (Not black);;
Vision is blurred and will disappear over time.
One or both eyes are pure color (the whole eye).
Colors vary. Red, green, yellow, purple, and blue are your most common colors.
Glowing lights;;
Eyes glow in the dark, amplifying your night vision.
Makes you easier to spot.
Eyes will bleed randomly, along with slowly dying vision.
All colors are common.